Dip Recipes

Preparing your body for birth with nutrition

Preparing your body for birth with nutrition

Once you reach your third trimester, you are truly on the home stretch and you will want to start preparing your body for labour. Preparing for labour is very similar to preparing for the marathon; you will need to stock up on your energy reserves so that when the day comes to give birth, you will have plenty to draw upon. 

Managing anaemia in pregnancy with a healthy diet

Managing anaemia in pregnancy with a healthy diet

Mild iron-deficiency, or anaemia, in pregnancy is a relatively common condition as your blood volume increases by almost 50 per cent. This means that more iron is needed to make extra haemoglobin to help transport oxygen around the body. This article hopes to arm you with the information needed to prevent the onset of anemia during pregnancy, and ensure the healthy development of your baby’s brain and bloody supply. 

Reduce your risk of pre-eclampsia with nutrition

Reduce your risk of pre-eclampsia with nutrition

Pre-eclampsia is a serious pregnancy disorder caused by problems with the development of the placenta. Around 10% of pregnant women are affected, and symptoms include protein in the urine, high blood pressure, swelling (oedema), and headaches. If detected and treated early, pre-eclampsia is unlikely to cause harm, but if it is left untreated, the effects can be very grave indeed. 

Managing Oedema, fluid retention, in pregnancy with a healthy diet

Managing Oedema, fluid retention, in pregnancy with a healthy diet

Oedema is retained fluid that causes your hands and ankles to swell during pregnancy. It is often caused by mineral deficiencies, consuming too much sugar and salt, and by hormone changes. There are several ways you can help reduce water retention through making simple nutritional changes to your diet.

Managing gestational diabetes with a healthy diet

Managing gestational diabetes with a healthy diet

If you develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, your baby is more likely to be ‘big for its gestational age’ because of excess glucose crossing the placenta. The sooner the condition is detected and controlled, the less likely it will affect your pregnancy and the health of your baby. 

Why is it important to eat well after birth?

Why is it important to eat well after birth?

The three months following birth are often referred to as your fourth trimester. Focussing on eating well during this time is really important since it helps you recover from birth, restores hormonal imbalances, and replenishes diminished nutrient stores, which is especially vital if you are breastfeeding.

What all mums-to-be should know about formula feeding before they give birth

What all mums-to-be should know about formula feeding before they give birth

Antenatal clinics offer pregnant women and new mothers plenty of advice on breastfeeding, but there is a dearth of information for those who cannot breastfeed or who choose not to. Only 17% of mothers breastfeed exclusively at three months, and at 6 months that figure drops to less than 1%. This leaves a huge proportion of new mothers without the support needed to assist them in their choice of feeding method.  

How to manage your food preferences as we transition from summer to winter.

How to manage your food preferences as we transition from summer to winter.

As the weather turns are food preferences change and it’s easy to find ourselves reaching for comfort foods which don’t serve our bodies well. Our diet’s need to change in the winter as we need more energy to keep warm. Here are my top tips for managing your food preferences to avoid excess weight gain and sluggishness.

Smoothie saviours- Why I love them and my top 6 recipes

Smoothie saviours- Why I love them and my top 6 recipes

If mornings are busy and you often have to eat on the run then smoothies are the perfect way to ensure you get a nutritious start to the day. Smoothies take around five minutes to make in the morning and as the main ingredients are fruit and vegetables, they are loaded with fibre which will keep you full until lunchtime. And of course my smoothies are DELICIOUS!

Freedom from eczema: Nutrition for tricky skin

Freedom from eczema: Nutrition for tricky skin

Standard treatment for eczema is steroid cream and emollients. These treatments fail because whilst they might stop the irritation in the short term, they cannot resolve the reason that the rash is happening in the first place. The good news is that through much research and first-hand experience with my clients and my family, I know what works when it comes to eczema treatment. If you suffer from eczema here are a few points that you may want to consider:

Infant allergies – what parents need to know

Infant allergies – what parents need to know

Sadly, allergies are becoming more and more common in children these days, so naturally parents are anxious to do what they can to avoid them. allergies tend to run in families and babies who suffer from eczema are particularly at risk. The more severe the eczema and the earlier the onset, the more likely it is that baby will have a food allergy.

A quick guide to ready-made baby foods and their uses

A quick guide to ready-made baby foods and their uses

The variety of ready-made baby foods available on the market is quite simply astounding, covering all ages between 4 months and 4 years. Here’s a quick rundown of what we think about the different ready-made baby foods available – named and shamed.

Embrace and Fulfil Cravings For Life

Embrace and Fulfil Cravings For Life

Do you battle between what you feel you “should” eat and what you truly want? I can show you a technique to eliminate this battle and learn to truly fulfil you cravings.

Chocolate tiffin with pistachios and goji berries

Chocolate tiffin with pistachios and goji berries

We all crave chocolate once in a while, but instead of reaching for sweet treats laden with refined sugar, why not opt for a delicious square of my chocolate tiffin? With its list of natural ingredients, there is nothing to feel guilty about here…

Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Avocado Chocolate Mousse

My Avocado Chocolate Mousse is a guaranteed ticket to chocolate heaven. This sweet treat is a huge hit with my girls, and because of its natural ingredients, I don’t feel guilty about handing it over to them after dinner. Feel free to top the dish with a sprinkling of nuts and berries.

Raw chocolate & peanut butter buttercups

Raw chocolate & peanut butter buttercups

Peanut butter, banana and chocolate is a match made in heaven. Another quick treat recipe that I cannot get enough of. The sea salt gives the buttercups extra delicious twist.

Chocolate banana smoothie with chia seeds & nuts

Chocolate banana smoothie with chia seeds & nuts

This delicious smoothie is an excellent snack or a weekend breakfast. Packed with nuts and chia seeds, this will keep you full and energised through the day. Did you know that cacao is an excellent mood elevator and is high in magnesium? And these are just a couple of reasons why I think it is also a great option of a healthy winter afternoon treat!

Quinoa with squash, spinach & avocado

Quinoa with squash, spinach & avocado

I often get asked for quick and easy lunch recipes to make for the week. Quinoa bowls are great exactly for those instances. I like to vary the toppings each time, but this squash, spinach and avocado is one of my favourite combinations during colder months. Sprinkle some seeds for extra energy.

Apple bircher muesli muffins

Apple bircher muesli muffins

These muffins is an excellent healthy recipe to lighten up the breakfast routine. Great start to the day as muffins are packed with fibre, slow release glucose and cinnamon, which keeps energy levels steady through the day. This is one of the recipes I like to make with my little ones during winter, as it fills the whole house with sweet smells of cinnamon.

On Saturday 25th July, Rosie’s partner Andy tragically passed away. He wasn’t ill and his passing has come as a devastating blow to all of his family and friends. Rosie will be taking compassionate leave to look after their children. She hopes to return to private practice when her children start school in September.

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